Coffee Time

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Washington Post comments

 I have long said that the basic philosophical difference between Democrats and Republicans is the question, who gets to be an American. Who gets to enjoy the rights and privileges that are clearly laid out in our sacred founding documents.

For Democrats, the answer is that every person born in America is an American, regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, education, wealth/income. Every person is entitled to the inalienable rights enumerated in the Declaration of Independence, and the rights and privileges set forward in the Constitution and laws enacted thereto. Democrats seek to widen the circle, to help every person realize the dream of that more perfect Union.

For Republicans, the answer is different. Republicans start with the premise that only white Christians are "true Americans." And then when we see this news this morning, we understand that it's really only white male Christians. The rest are obligated to somehow force their way into the inner circle, where it's up to the white male Christians whether they get to enjoy some of the rights that are "endowed by the Creator."

There is nothing more personal and private than health care decisions. And here the white Christian males decide it's time to put women in their rightful place, letting them know in no uncertain terms that they are still not first-class citizens.

 - 5/3/2022 on

Folks, this abortion ban stuff is the mainstream of the Republican Party, not some radical fringe. Attacking the LGBTQ community, people of color, and immigrants is the mainstream of the Republican Party, not some radical fringe. Saying that protesters should have their skulls cracked in is the mainstream of the Republican Party, not some radical fringe. Slashing Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is the mainstream of the Republican Party, not some radical fringe. Denying citizens the right to vote is the mainstream of the Republican Party, not some radical fringe. Dumping pollution in our water and air is the mainstream of the Republican Party, not some radical fringe. Supporting Putin is the mainstream of the Republican Party, not some radical fringe.

 - 5/3/2022 on

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